Marc Jovani - Essential Composing Foundations
Marc Jovani | Duration: 6:40 h | Video: H264 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC 44,1 kHz 2ch | 3,98 GB | Language: English
So... You're halfway through a cool new NETFLIX movie and the music has inspired you so much that you press pause and rush to your instrument of choice. You absolutely 'know' that somewhere inside you there's a fantastic 'opening fanfare' or a dark and brooding melody' just waiting to come out and you can't wait to get started.
You sit there for a while... and you might get started or you might not but somewhere in the process you realize that something is blocking your path to ultimate greatness. Something is stopping you from moving forward.
Is it the lack of musical ideas? I mean, there are an awful lot of notes you could choose from and an infinite number of ways to combine those notes. Maybe it's more that you struggle with the whole concept of using a sequencer and sample libraries to generate your masterpiece. Maybe you feel held back by your mixing skills? Maybe it's a bit of all of these things (or a whole bunch of other things).

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