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Kinobody – Greek God 2.0 Program 2023
Free Download Kinobody – Greek God 2.0 Program Download 2023
Build muscle and stay lean.
That's the goal.
Unfortunately, very few people have been able to actually achieve this. They go on different muscle-building programs and one of three things happen.
Either they put on size, but they put on all this fat to go along with it; now, they don't really have the physique they're after.
They look bulky. They don't have that crisp, Greek God physique they were originally going for. They don't have that V-shape. Their faces becomes more puffy. Their chest lacks that square, plate-of-armor look.
That's because they put on fat to go with the muscle. Most muscle building gurus talk about eating ridiculous amounts of calories. Always be eating and just put on that size. They mistake 20 pounds as 20 pounds of muscle, when, really, it's probably 10 pounds of muscle and 10 pounds of fat.

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