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Joseph Michael – Easy Course Creation 2023
Free Download Joseph Michael – Easy Course Creation Download 2023
During this time I happened to get introduced to one of the most amazing industries that just happens to be at the peak of ripeness. What am I talking about about? 2 words.
More specifically, "Online Courses". (Now a $107 Billion industry and growing!)
You see, I hate risk. (Especially after failing so many times)
My goal for the past decade has been to figure out how to create a business that didn't rely on me having to do something I hated.
For me to dive headlong into another business, it needed to be fail-proof. I didn't have much ego left to damage.
It needed to NOT rely on me exchanging time for money like getting a 2nd job or delivering pizzas.
It needed to be rejection proof.
Then, 8 years ago.I did it. And now I want to show you exactly how you can do the same thing.
But first.. I want to tell you a story.

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